
Chord Primer

Soloing Practice

Theory Primer

Gallery Other Midi's

8th Annual Northwest School of Guitar Spring Recital, May 25, 2002

Riverside Grange, Mount Vernon,WA

This year's recital featured the most performers and the largest, most enthusiastic audience. Thanks to all.

Left click on an image to see the full version.

. The buzz of excitement as the students warm up downstairs.

The standing room only crowd awaits the first performers.

Nick Wallsteadt and Winton McClary

Lidabeth Hicks and Dilys Coleman

Kyle Hoagland

Lucas Van Pelt, Sam and Marc Zimmerman

Josh Waldron

Shaun Finn

Aaron Anderson and Sam Carpenter

Nicholas Rouser

Dan Biladeau

Cheryl McCormack and Allen Phemister

Kyle Topness

Connor Lemley, Kyle Anderson, Cory Vincent and Bryan Shepard

Jimmy Holt

Justin Peterson, Aaron Patz, Larry Maksin and Kyle Findley-Meier



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